Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ahhh Journalism. And All Went Dark.

I used to think journalism was something that people with integrity aspired to do. Right up there with UN aid workers and sanitation engineers. So much has changed in the last 15 minutes. Journalism nowadays is akin to prostitution where the journalist, for the right price, will do it any way you want. PR has replaced objectivity and history is written by the twat with the most money.

Take this nugget of info from News24.com. According to Virgina Keppler, the prostitute...I mean, journalist responsible, one of the BIG CHANGES we can expect in the South African police is a change of name from South African Police Service to South African Police Force. That's right, criminals will cease their evil ways and turn to helping society once they realise that they are being pursued by a Force rather than a Service. The rest of the story reads like a government issue press release, which is probably what it was.

A piece of advice to the virgin journalist here - if you can't be bothered to write a real piece of news, at least try to hide your laziness by not attaching your name to the "story".